Monday, September 29, 2008

Gracie Jane is grounded....

Hi friends~

Well, most of you know that we have a small zoo. 3 cats, a dog and a Macaw Parrot. Gracie is our youngest cat; we rescued her earlier this year. She has been spade and declawed as both of my 2 boy cats have. The boys are much older than her so they aren't too into the things she likes to do. Now, being that she has no front claws, is she supposed to be doing things like this?

Yep, that's her....on the ROOF!

So, after Mommy spent the better part of the morning trying to sweet talk her off the roof. I marched her back inside and told her she is grounded. :)

This is what she did.....

One time she ALMOST turned around and looked at me....

Then she changed her

Awe, the life of a cat! :) I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week!

Hugs, J.

P.S. Gracie wasn't grounded for too long as I was in & out all day working in the yard....she likes to help. :)


ShabbyInTheCity said...

So funny! I coached ours down ONCE...then the next time he was on his own.
I have your quilt but lost your email address...

Betty said...

Well I am glad that her ground didn't last to long! Bobby's most annoying habit is he can be where he can look right at you and I'll be calling and he won't come or answer!
What a spoiled cat.
Have a great day!


Christie said...

Hey Jessica!
Gracie is so cute...I just love her! Have a great week!

Buffie said...

Awwww, my kitty pouts too when he doesn't get his way or if he's been scolded for getting on top of the frige yet again! LOL! Aren't they the funniest creatures?

joyh82 said...

OMG, I would have freaked..cats are so funny! And so curious.

Buffie said...

YEA! Someone else has a woobie!!! I'm not so weird after all! Oh wait maybe you're just weird too! LOL!

onlymehere said...

Yay! You're the first one to get my play on words with hindsight! I thought it was kind of clever but no one was getting it!