Friday, September 26, 2008

A new day & our little tree....

A New Day....

I love that our patio faces the direction of the sunrise. Watching a new day begin is amazing. A new day brings hope. It's time for reflection...when everything in my little world is peaceful and quiet. The birds start singing and come by for breakfast. How lucky we are to have the sunrise each doesn't get any better than this...

I know it's kind of dark....but can you see the blue bird in the tea cup?

I hope you enjoy your new day....

Our little tree...

We have a little red maple tree in our backyard that we planted in March 2006. As a family, we had never planted a tree and we went & picked it out together. Originally we wanted a magnolia but we found our little 'Charlie Brown' tree instead. Although we have primed, painted and torn out doors together....planted flowers and hanging pots, decorated and redecorated... this tree means something to us. We wanted a tree that would grow with us.

Well, Ike beat her up badly. So, we stood her up straight, tied her up to make her feel secure, sweet talked her.....we even did the tree she's starting to look a little unhealthy. Maybe our little tree is in shock? Just look at her....

My husband went and bought some tree fertilizer yesterday because even he is worried about our little tree.

Since we lost our pear tree in the hurricane this is the only tree we have left in the back yard, I'm still trying to figure out where to put the squirrel feeder. :)

Most of our plants are doing okay since the storm. All of these pictures were taken this morning.

Well, good morning glory. :)

You know what's weird? The right side of my flower bed is doing well but the left side isn't...Now, don't get me wrong, we are so THANKFULL we faired so well during the storm. There are homes in our neighborhood that the brick just crumbled.....I get choked up every time I drive by.

I wonder why the birds are just doing fly-bys?

It's because of him, lol.... Simon is lerking around. Sneaky cat. :)

I guess I have to go to work now. :) Be sure to come by tomorrow for Pink Saturday. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Hugs~ J.


onlymehere said...

I'd be in shock too if Ike made me all bent over and crooked! It should come out of it and it looks like you're doing the right things. I loved the pictures of the morning sky! Have a great day!

Betty said...

Beautiful sunrise! Give your tree some times, it has been through a lot. Thanks for sharing your lovely flowers, it is amazing to see something so fragile make it when a tree doesn't.

I am just so thankful that you and your family are alright.

Christie said...

Hey Jessica!
Your yard looks so pretty...every thing is still blooming so pretty. I hope your tree makes it, I know it means alot to y'all. This was a beautiful morning post, I love the beauty of the sky and all the pretty colors...