Here is Sammy sleeping in it....
a close up....don't you just love his little face :)
How in the world she got it over there is beyond me. :)
Simon thinks they are both " dumb " & prefers his basket. :)
Hope you smile!
Hugs~ J
Simon thinks they are both " dumb " & prefers his basket. :)
Hugs~ J
Lint huh? LOL I can just see that post now :)
Your cats are so cute and they really have their own individual personalities.
I love the embroidery that you sweet hubby had framed for you. Beautiful work your mammaw did!
I'm so glad we "met" too!
How cute, love the little castle.
Our cat loves window ledges the best. 3 cats must really keep you busy, they are very sweet!
We have a new little kitty and I enjoyed the photos of yours. They really have wonderful personalities. My "baby" died 4 years ago after a 15 year "love affair" with me. She was the light of my life and I never thought I could love another kitty. Then this past Ocotber, my husband gave me the gift of a cat adoption from a shelter. I was ready and he knew I had been looking at PetFinder. So off we went and after finding that 2 of the local shelters were closed on the day we selected, we found ourselves a little out of town at a very poor shelter. It was there we found our beloved Cassie. She is about a year old and was a stray who came in with a kitten. The kitten had been adopted. But when she laid her head on my arm as I took her out of the cage and cuddled into me, I knew she had found a home. She is so funny and playful. Happy New Year...peace and joy!
Looks like there needs to be one more castle in this house! All the cats would have their own space then, LOL! Was Riley ever scared of them? Just wondering, you know about cats and birds......
Oh, Jessica! They are so cute. I think it's adore they know just how they want their space to be!!
Hugs, Terrie
Oh how cute! My Bobby's latest favorite is the brown paper wrap that came off from a poinsettia plant, you know to protect it from the cold. Last night he decided to try to crawl in through the small hole end lol, he got stuck! Of course I helped him, he hates being laughed at though.
Your cats are very cute.. LOVE that castle :-)
Oh Jess this is just the sweetest thing girl..I miss having critters at my house..I want a new puppy so bad..but not until Len's pit bull dies..he is 16 now..and he don't like any animal..and no girl I don't let him in my house..I want to get another Yorkie dog..I had 5 of them and just love them..been without one now for 3 years...oh well something to dream about..thanks for coming by girl..hugs and smiles Gloria
Awwww! Your kitties are little dolls....just precious. I love their castle house and Gracie is so funny turning it on it's side....I love to see your kitty pictures...I am such a cat lover! Always have been. I wonder if Rocky would like something like this....Hope you have a great day Jessica!
nope! not one spoiled animal in your house at all!!!!
Evening, Jessica. Having a dog, I don't know about cat things, but love the cat castle. Your little furry babies are all so adorable! I love those little faces. Thank you for your compliments on my art!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
OMG J this is toooo funny, gave me a big smile and a chuckle!!! LOL!!
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