Tuesday, January 6, 2009

~ No Longer Waiting~

Hi friends~

Last Wednesday was the 3rd goal date for the embroidery to be ready. Somehow Wednesday turned into Saturday. Then, I was able to go to Michaels and pick up my Christmas present! This beautifully framed ( thanks to Mister ) embroidered piece now hangs in our breakfast room.

Do you see that beautiful frame he picked out? He knows me so well~

I do believe this is cartwheel worthy & was definitely worth the wait. :)

A little Riley update:

We went by to visit Riley the other night and he is doing GREAT! We took him a celery stick dipped in peanut butter ( one of his favorite treats. ) Riley has really taken to his new owner Eric~ we could see the bond has already started to form. We were able to hold him and give him sugars and when it was time to go he went right back to Eric. We felt soooo much better about our decision after this visit.

Have a beautiful day!

Hugs~ J


Anonymous said...

Morning, Dear Jessica! Oh, how beautiful your embroidery turned out! The frame is outstanding and yes, your mister is good! I know you're so proud of this piece. It's so lovely.
Oh, I'm glad to hear Riley is liking his new owner and I know how you must have felt sensing the bond!
Have a wonderful day, sweet friend,
Shelia ;)

Christie said...

Hey Jessica!
Oh girl, this looks beautiful...your mister did wonderful picking out that frame...yes, definately worth the wait.

Glad to hear that Riley is doing well with Eric. I had to laugh... when I saw that Riley's favorite snack is celery with peanut butter. My mister eats that every day too!
BTW...Thanks for coming by my blogs....and don't worry about keeping up girl, I can barely keep up with myself these days! LOL!! Stop by as often as you can though. I always love to see that you came by.
Have a great day!

~♥~ Monica S said...

WOOOOW that really turned out GREAT didn't it?? Beautiful frame too!! :-)

Oh I would've missed that Riley too!! He must've been alot of fun!


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Jessica YAHOO!! girl you got it and its looks just beautiful..that Mister knows you well he a keeper for sure..
I am so glad to hear Riley is doing well in his new home..does he know magic yet?? hope you have a great day dear friend..hugs and smiles Gloria

onlymehere said...

This was certainly worth waiting for! What a treasure to have and always have your mammaw with you (did I get her name right? Sometimes I get confused). I love the frame too. It looks like something I would use! Have a great day. Today is much warmer here. The snow always brings warmer temperatures. It was 22 degrees when I took Kaje' to school and I was shoveling snow without a coat, woohoo!! Cindy P.S. So glad Riley is adapting well.

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Jessica, It turned out wonderful. the frame is perfect!! And they did a excellent job of framing. I am glad I posted my 1st tablescape. Now, I think I could.. become addicted. I hope you try one,too!! Hugs, Terrie

lvroftiques said...

Hi Jessica!! Oh my goodness your framed embroidery looks mawvelous!! Hubby did real good!! I'm also so glad to hear that Riley is doing great with his new owner. I bet you let out a huge sigh of relief! And I wondered if you've found anything new on CL since your bed? I got so traumatized by that chandy I'm afraid to look! Lol! But that certainly won't last! *winks* Hope the new year brings you all kinds of wonderful! Vanna

Nancy Rosalina said...

Good Evening Miss Jessica, Love the new Art you have there! It is so gorgeous and refeshing for this time of year! Glad that Riley is doing great! Blessings, Nancy

Tootsie said...

it looks fantastic! I love the way you love the things that mean so much!

Betty said...

Jessica it looks lovely. Happy to hear Riley is doing well too.
