Friday, May 29, 2009

~ Tootsie's Flaunt ~

Welcome to Tootsie's Flaunt Your Flowers Fertilizer Friday!

Please go by Tootsie's

to see all the flaunt participants!

Let's take a peek @ what's blooming this week~

I see some deep red climbing roses over there....

but wait~ what is that I see in between the it....

a rose....that survived being moved around { twice } this year....YEAH!

This is the climbing rose....I wish I knew the name...

it is THE most fragrant rose EVER~

AHHH~ aren't they pretty. I think I've decided I want a whole rose garden ( have to start next year ) rows and rows of roses....that's my dream. :)

I planted 2 canna this year { this one is growing faster than the other }

& it's starting to bloom. { ignore the pesty grass in the background please } :)

I just love the yellow bells { does anyone know the REAL name? }

I'm so bad....I know~

I thought this view was pretty~

& although I could sit right here....& blog away....

There is garden work to be done~

Thank you so much for coming by & ya'll have a great weekend!

Big hugs ~ J

Thank you Toots for hosting this event~ ♥ you!


onlymehere said...

Beautiful, beautiful yard! I love the rebel rose who survived all the moves! Have a fantastic weekend.

Tootsie said...

I only have one rose bush left...the rest didn't make it thru this weird and horrible winter ...I also think my grapes died....but not sure yet....grapes that are like weeds don't just die...
your gardens are wonderful girl...thank for signing are such a sweet girl....and I am a lucky friend!

Anonymous said...

Jessica your gardens are beautiful. Lush looking grass and gorgeous flowers. Looks like you already have a start on that rose garden you want. Maybe you can get starts from everyone - someone told me roses are really easy to propagate.

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Jessica, Your gardenis amazing. I can't believe how fast the vine is growing on your trellis. What is it? I love you cannas. And yes, you know I am a rose lover. My roses are budding. I can't wait for them to open. I wish I could sit outside to blog. I'll need to add that to my wishlist! LOL yeah, I have a long wishlist! Have a beautiful day!
Hugs, Terrie

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Jessica...Girl your garden looks just beautiful the whole yard does..can't believe the rose made it through 2 moves ha ha!! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful space with us...May you have a great weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Hi, I'm popping over from Tootsie's place. I missed last week due to rain, rain, rain and more rain LOL!

I'm notorious for moving plants around too and then I forget what I moved where!

Everything looks fantastic!

Ashley ~ said...

I ALWAYS love your roses and other flowers, but I'm aslo digging those Pink Boots*!!! GF, you got it going on over there*! Say hello to your Mister and the cutie pie little Genius*! Have a great weekend*! _Ashley ~

Dirt Princess said...

Hey...visiting from Tootsies. Your garden looks great! I have the same canna. Not sure what the yellow flower is. Glad I stopped by, I will be back :). Have a good weekend

Unknown said...

Your garden does look great..Yellow Bells, Yellow Trumpet Flowers...Tecoma stans? Maybe...

bmwgal1948 said...

Hello Jessica,I am behind on reading my favorite blogs. Thanks for sharing your pretty flowers and yard.
I heard the H word yesterday.I always think about you when I hear the word hurricane! I miss you friend!


Christie said...

Hey Jessica!
It's always such a pleasure visiting your looks beautiful and I'm lovin' those adirondak's too...they are perfect back there!
Big Hug,