Monday, October 12, 2009

~ Dance of the Butterflies ~

Hi friends.....

I hope everyone had a great weekend....

I've always said he is a good blogger husband....but this takes the cake.

I was amazed.

Have a beautiful day~

Your friend, J.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica! What gorgeous photos! They almost look like paintings! Mister did do a wonderfl job! I'm sending hugs and hoping you're feeling better.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Darla said...

He did an amazing job with these photos!

nannykim at spindle cottage said...

Cool!! we have been gettin a lot of butterflies in our "wildflower" garden--it was mostly wildflowers but right now it is mostly Zinnias

Unknown said...

I love these pictures , he did so good . It great when men enjoy taking picturs .
I hope your doing good . I think of you often even when I don't get here . We had a big cold spell last night , I took a lot of plants in , hope to save them for next year . I think I'll put them on a stand by a window in a bedroom up stairs .
Have a good day Friend ,

Betty said...

Amazing, they look like they are floating.
Of course your Mister appreciates beauty, he is married to a real beauty!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Jessica, I love the pics...they are beautiful! He did a fabulous job!

Rue said...

Hi J :)

Beautiful pictures!! You and your mister sure do capture beauty :)

I'm glad to hear you're doing better. I'm so sorry for not being there for you. My life has changed a lot. Rich and I are fine, but with the boys moving here for 2 months and then their mother... well, it's been rough. No excuse though for not getting here sooner.

I'm saying a prayer for sweet Molly Bell.


onlymehere said...

He's a great Mister blogger and so supportive of you! I smiled too when I saw that you signed your comment "me." You're so much like me sometimes it makes me laugh! Me