Wednesday, October 14, 2009

~ Poppaw ~

It's been one year, today. 365 days....

367 days since I heard his voice.

367 days since he called me 'baby doll'.

367 since he told me ' I love you '.

367 since he told My Mister ' take care of my girls '.

366 days since he word.....' coffee '.

366 days since I laid my head by Pop's and told him....

I'm going to be okay, I'm strong, you did good, Pop....I love you.

365 world hasn't felt quite right.

Sometimes, I smell my midnight.

Sometimes, I feel his presence around me when I have my morning coffee.

Sometimes, I miss him so much....I can't breathe.

All the time, I wonder " What would Poppaw do right now? "

All the time, I wonder " What would Poppaw say right now?"

All the time, I miss him so much....I can't breathe.


10-14-08 1:50:58 am.


Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet Jessica, I would love to give you a hug, Dear One. I remember when you posted about him. I had some met you in Blogland. I know you loved him so and he loved you - what a blessing to always have him in your heart!
Shelia ;)

Darla said...

The sting of tears in my eyes are for you...

onlymehere said...

I didn't realize it had been a year. This is a beautiful tribute to him. I know you and Mammaw are together today and I hope you do something in his memory. Maybe even sitting together and enjoying that cup of coffee that it sounds like he loved so much. Somehow I feel that he will be there with you today and I hope you feel him there too in your heart and that he can comfort you. :)

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Jess...I wished I was closer to give you a BIG ole hug my friend...but you know what your pop knows how much you miss him and love him and he also knows how much you take care of your grandma...Love ya girl...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Erin said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Tootsie said...

he is looking down on you from heaven sweetie and he is so PROUD of the strong, beautiful loving woman you have become and always will be.
I am so proud of have been through so much since I found you...and you always go through it all so gracefully...
Thanks for being my friend, and reminding me every day that the glass is always 1/2 full....not 1/2 empty!
kiss that kid for me...and (just so it doesn't sound creepy...just hug that mister for me! lol)

Betty said...

Sweet Jessica, you know that a part of him remains with you always, in the memories, time can never take that from you. Until some day you will see him again.

Christie said...

(Wiping tears from my eyes)Sweetie, I know you miss your Poppaw. 367 days is a long time. Here's A big hug and a prayer coming your way. I wish there was something else I could do. I know in my heart that we will see our loved ones again someday. I am always just an email away okay, if there is anything I can do. Love ya,
Big Hugs,

~♥~ Monica S said...

Aaaw sweetheart! I know the feeling.. I lost my dad when I was only 18, and I still miss him alot.. especially around family-holidays.. and I wish he could've met my kids..
Your beautiful post made me tear up! Hope you a feeling a little better!!

Monica .. and hey.. I am back!