Friday, November 13, 2009

~ Fertilizer Friday ~

Welcome to Fertilizer Friday hosted by Tootsie-Q :)

The Queen of gardening!

Hope ya'll have a great weekend!


onlymehere said...

It's good to see color! It snowed here yesterday and I'm not thrilled at all. We missed the window of opportunity to get Travis' pictures done outside. It's just been so busy (okay broken record here). I love your little visitor the squirrel. Does he have a name? I noticed Frederick has a name already! I tend to name everything Sam or Fred!

onlymehere said...

P.S. Do you remember Freddy Focus? I call my husband Sam sometimes too.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Jessica...Now girl I have a squirrel by the name of Pee Wee and Icall him that because he uses my yard as his play house...Realyy it a Mrs.Pee as it had 4 babies this year...We feed them peanuts oh Yes we has 3 peanut boxes out for our squirrels ha ha!!I hope you have a great weekend my dear ya sis...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Betty said...

Thanks for sharing your pretty flowers and yard. Mine is looking a bit sad by now. My Dad was by yesterday and asked me if I shouldn't be shutting my last fountain down before it froze. I am hanging on to it as if not to let completely go of summer but he is right. He did tell me I could put some anti-freeze in it and keep it going but with Bobby around that sure isn't a good idea, so I guess I will just have to let go and be real that this is Michigan after all.

Anonymous said...

Morning, Dear Jessica! I love see your lovely yard and all your plants. I think that little creatures cousins are here in my yard! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

deb said...

I love squirrels!! Wish we had some
Gorgeous yard!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

In the mosaic, it looks like the squirrel is taking in the beauty of his world...

Tootsie said...

I don't have any squirrels thank goodness...they are too close to being mice for me! lol
your post today is gorgeous as usual my girl!!!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your beautiful you Jess

Christie said...

That little squirrel is so cute...your yard still looks so pretty...mine looks so dead right now. Luckily today I got busy and planted some pansy's ..that will help me make it through winter!
Big Hugs,