Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunday afternoon was beautiful....Mister, Molly & I went to watch the Airshow from the side of the road. The Genius & Bear went earlier and actually were inside the gates.....they sat in traffic for over an hour though & we decided we didn't want to do that. :) We enjoyed it just as much....and saw the Navy's Blue Angels.

there's my two~

You can click to enlarge any picture.....they are awesome ( if I do say so )

It's amazing how beautiful the planes are....talented pilots, too.
Hope your Sunday was just as nice.

Your friend~ J


onlymehere said...

This new camera is fantastic! There is no way I could get pictures that clear and nice. Great job. We used to go to the air shows around here but haven't for quite a few years. Hmmm, maybe we should make a point to do that this summer!

Christie said...

Hey Jessica!
I know y'all had a such fun day! The sky was so blue and beautiful wasn't it!? We've seen the Blue Angels fly at an air show last summer. It's awesome!
Beautiful pics of you and the Genious at the football game too...tell your daughter that Queenie said she is "star" material, and I think she ought to be in a model or in Hollywood in the spotlight as pretty and talented as she is. She is so photogenic too! I just had to say so. I know you are so proud of her. Hope you have a great week!
I'm going to check out the other posts I've missed out on!
Big Hugs,

Betty said...

Wow! How beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I haven't been to an airshow for years.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica! We just love air shows and you were able to get some great pictures! Take care sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Erin said...

Oh, that is so fun. We live near an Air Force Base and when the Thunderbirds come into town, we head over to see them. I remember getting some amazing shots with my point and shoot Sony...the boy liked them enough that they're in his room to this day.