Monday, January 24, 2011

A Little Note~

Hi friends…..I’ve missed y’all This past week, I have been very busy. I’ll show you one reason why tomorrow.

This weekend, I was browsing through my blog and I’ve been very uninspired for about the last year. I just can’t get in the swing of blogging how I used to. I was pretty good about posting 5x a week. Now it’s more like 5 x a month. My blog isn’t fancy, I have a few faithful readers~ who I adore. Thanks for always being there. You know who you are.

I’m sorry I haven’t been by lately.

I won ’t ever have 1000 followers…..or a major decorating blog. This blog started as an outlet for me….to share my life…my family & a little decorating and gardening.

Note: I can not wait until March…..I’m ready for some much needed dirt therapy. Smile

Elbows deep in dirt = a happy girl!

I’m trying to find my way back to the cozy kettle…..I miss my friends. I miss our visits. I miss this outlet….of blogging my little heart out. I’m coming back and very soon we will have a PARTY……I’m working towards my 350th post!

Tomorrow, I will share where I have been for the last week… addition to my real job….I took on a project with a special lady…..who needed a little help….and a whole lot of encouragement.



Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Good morning dear friend, as I read your post I felt as though I was sitting there with you typing the same thing. I started my blog as an outlet a journal of sorts, now I'm wondering why I do it. I get a bit of go power and do a post, get excited and then feel let down. This past year has been one of the hardest for us (Me) and doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon, I thought there was more support out there, and have discovered I'm terribly wrong. I'll concentrate more on the shop and posting about it and see if it changes things. I hope this finds you well darling, I'm sorry I haven't been the greatest of friends, coming by for regular visits, just can't find it in myself to be postive, as this shows. Forgive my absence, but remember I truly care about you and your life. I'm going to try to do better... with much love hugs ~lynne~ p.s. I use my cups you sent daily, have the platter displayed amongst the teapot collection~~~ you're a daily part of my life.. :-))))))

onlymehere said...

Jessica, I truly do hope you find your way back bz I love looking at your blog and keeping up with you and your family. When I started my blog I thought the time had come to repaint, redecorate, and really get back to the girl I used to be who loved all the foofie things in her home. Somehow life took a turn and it became more about my life and turned into a family blog. Financially I was no longer able to even dream about getting those projects going or updating the house. It's just not going to happen until the last one of my kids gets married. We're blue collar workers and the finances just aren't there right now for anything extra in this economy. I'm not crying about it though, so don't get me wrong, but it really made me focus on the things that did matter most in my life.

I find myself very content now with a simple life. I've discovered that I really don't like curtains! They just seem to be spider traps and dust collectors. I'll gradually take them down when I can repaint bz I like windows with just blinds on them. Funny, how I just discovered that. I like to look at them in other people's homes but for me I'd just as soon go without. I still love furniture and would be in heaven if I could just go out and buy whatever furniture caught my eye, but I also find joy in Wild and Wacky Wednesdays and getting bargains on top quality furniture. I also love Ikea for my storage needs (especially in the sewing room). I guess you can say I'm a work in progress!

Take care my dear friend and just keep enjoying your family and living life to the fullest! Whether you blog or not you can always find me through email and I like that too!
P.S. How's your dad doing?

Christie said...

Hey J!
I know how it is honey, I fell off the blog wagon myself more than once, but I've decided not to close my blog after all...I'm just gonna post when I can, but that may not be that often..but I still want to keep the blog open. So glad that you are doing well and that you are still's great catching up with you friend!
Big Hugs,