I could not take my eyes off this sunset Monday night....I grabbed my husband & daughter and we just stood out on our front porch watching the colors change....it was amazing.
I am going to have some of these enlarged. Now, where to hang them? :)
Hugs~ J.
Gorgeous sunset. I wish my camera could capture this kind of beauty, or maybe it's the person behind the camera! LOL!
Hey Jessica! I love sunsets too....these are beautiful, so glad you shared.Btw...I finished the little tea box. Stop by when you get the chance. Okay...Have a great weekend!
I'm so glad to find someone who likes to read true crime books too. I was beginning to think I was a ghoul! People fascinate me and I love to read about them, both the good and the bad they do. Thanks for stopping by!
hi jessica,
thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. it is so good that you take the time in the middle of a busy evening to savor and enjoy the sunset...i used to always tell my daughter when she was small that God had painted the sunset just for us~
have a happy weekend!
Very beautiful!
Can't beat the beauty of what God created.
I love sunsets so much . I took one and had it enlarged to 20 / 30 . It hangs in my daughter Sherry's room . She loves it . It's on my blog , under ( Places I've been and where to go next )It's mostly orange and black .
I love the colors in all of your's , so pretty . I hope you'll print them and hang them in your home . It's a really good memorie for your family . I'd print that dance also . It's to good to just keep in your computer . Mary
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