Wednesday, November 19, 2008

~ Rusty Old Boat ~

I love this rusty old boat....It has been on my grandparents property for over 25 years. Mammaw said we need to trash it because it has a hole in it... thus it was nicknamed by the grandkids....The Titanic. I told her under no uncertain terms can we 'trash ' this boat....we can fix it. Sounds like a big project for me. :) The hole is definately not small.....but I think with a little love.....some heavy duty bonding ( maybe? ) ....I am just determined to fix this boat!

Would you trash this darling boat? I know how creative and centimental my friends are....I think you would save it, too. :) I wish I was sitting in the middle of the lake fishing up a storm and enjoying a good book. Off to work I go! :)

See you soon friends!

Hugs~ J.



~♥~ Monica S said...

YES! I'd keep it.. a boat is not one of those cheap things either..

Good luck!!


Buffie said...


I always dance like no one's watching...'cause no one is haha!

Buffie ;)

Betty said...

You know I wouldn't trash the boat! Good luck with it, cause I know you will save it.


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

I would't trah it girl...if I could't fix it I would put it by the lake and fill it with wild flowers to remember your Grandpa by..each year you would have the beauty of the flowers for him in his old boat...just me and my weird thinking...hugs and smiles I hope you Dance!! Gloria

Tootsie said...

scuse me...move please....pardon me...excuse me.....oops...sorry to be pushy....hi!
don't trash the boat. fill that puppy with dirt and plant some flowers in it. I NEEEEEEEED a rusty old could just put pots of flowers in it...or you could send it to me! I would plant my face off!

by the way....I have been called a crusty old boot before....and that is what I thought you said at first....I thought you were calling me! lol
love love love you!
kiss my kid too
please read my blog...this comment may make more sense then

Christie said...

Hey Jessica,
I know you won't trash it....I was thinking the same thing as Tootsie...if it just can't be fixed, use it for flowers...what a lovely thing to do...

Anonymous said...

Evening, sweet Jessica! Oh, I'd try and save that boat!! If nothing else, drag it into the yard and plant flowers in it!!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

onlymehere said...

Anything with sentimental value I keep! It's not worth getting rid of if I love it even if it's no longer functional or no one else sees it's value! I'd keep it. Cindy