Monday, March 30, 2009

~ Sunrise ~

This picture was taken Saturday morning as we left on our road trip....

I snapped this photo from the freeway while Mister was driving.
It was breathtaking.

Hope your day is beautiful!

Hugs~ J


Unknown said...

Very beautiful indeed!

onlymehere said...

Road trip? Are you out having fun while I'm slaving away at work?! LOL! You're a morning person like me. Today when I opened the blinds to look at the temple I saw a fire truck and police cars at my back door across the street neighbors (hope that made sense). I didn't see any flames though so hopefully it was a small kitchen fire. Guess I'll have to get nosy and find out what happened!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Just Beautiful girl..Happy Monday to you...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Rue said...

Hi J :)

That picture is GORGEOUS!!

Happy Birthday to your sweet handsome hubby!! I loved that post about him :)

You touched my heart with your comment about Alex. Thank you for being so sweet to me.


~♥~ Monica S said...

WOW, WOW, WOW Jessica!! You REALLY should frame that one and send it to ME!!!!!!! ;-) It's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!
No really you should frame it.. and look at it every day!
