Monday, May 18, 2009

~ A Few New Treasures ~

Hi friends~
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I just realized I didn't share some wonderful sweet gifts I received for Mothers day~
First, some yummy chocolate covered strawberries....I have a confession....I didn't eat just { 5 }winks.
This cute little tree now hangs from the lamp in the breakfast I can see it every day. so sweet

I also got the MOST adorable tea cup planter....
I just filled it with ivy~
sorry the pictures are a little dark.

Look what it says~ reminds me of Tootsie { just FYI I know this was purchased at Kirklands }

The tea kettle lamp....was ordered from

Perfect together aren't they?

Have a beautiful day!

♥ J


Betty said...

Yummy! I love the tree too. I have been watching teacup planters for a while but haven't seen one like this. It does have Tootsie saying on it.
Have a great day!


Rue said...

Hi J :)

Very sweet gifts!!

You bought a topsy turvy?? I keep seeing that ad on tv and think there's no way it works. I can't wait to see if yours does.

Your Mother's Day post was beautiful :)


onlymehere said...

We really are two of a kind!! I have the "Tootsie saying" in my front room also but mine is on a wooden plate. I think of you in my front room also bz I have the tea set and platter on my coffee table in there!! I smile when I see it every day. I put it up on top of the curio when Savannah comes over though bz she is fascinated with how pretty it is! I think it must be the gold and the fact it's just her height! Now I remember Howard but what are the cars...boys or girls? Somehow I usually buy boys, LOL!! Keep smiling! Cindy
P.S. I love the gifts. You have a sweet family.

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

I love your new teapots. The lamp is actually my favorite. I love little accent lamps. Those strawberries look so yummy! Have a beautiful day!
xoxoxo Terrie

nikkicrumpet said...

Beautiful gifts...even the none edible ones!

Lindsay-ann said...

You received some great gifts. I especially like the tree and the teacup planter.

Sue said...

Hi J! Hey what happened to your bloggy break?? LOL! You got some great Mom Day gifts sweetie, have a wonderful week! xoxo

raxx a day in the life said...

Pretty, stuff, I saw chocolate covered strawberry on the cruise ship I was on recently, I did not try it, now I think I should have!

LOve all your gifts!

Nancy Rosalina said...

I love all these pretties! That teapot is adorable, and I think it has a little RED in it! See you do have some ;) Looks like you had a great Mothers Day! Fancy