Thursday, May 21, 2009

~ Tootsie's Flaunt Your Flowers Friday ~

Hi friends~

Welcome~ I'm so glad you came by...You know what today is?

Yes~ you do...why it's


Thank you TOOTS' for hosting this flowerlicious event!!

{all pictures are clickable }

This is the garden view this week.....

The knockout roses have been doing really well~

Our other roses have been looking pretty, too.

~I love this view~

A few close ups~

Can you see the little dew drops?

I thought this view was pretty, too.

I don't know the name of the purple flower in the center, but the bloom is pretty.

Here it is Tootsie~ { yes, it's still in one piece... it's a true treasure } I won Tootsie's giveaway several months ago and she keeps asking me where my birdbath It's on the counter by the sink { the bbq pit is on the left } but when the weather is bad I bring it inside. :)I♥It THANK YOU!

Please don't forget to go by Tootsie's and see all the 'FLAUNT'participants this week!

Thank you all for coming by for a visit~ I really appreciate it.

♥ HUGS ♥ J


Tootsie said...

wooo hooo!!! I got kicked off the internet about a million times today...most of my blog list won't open for me at all...and it is not just one in the area can get online for long at all...I am so happy to have made it here to see you!
I thought maybe the storm last summer would have knocked out that birdbath...thank goodeness! I am glad you posted it!
oh....yesterday I got a compliment on my tootsie time bag...I had it at the post office, and a lady commented how cute it was and asked what tootsie time is! lol
I told her all about you and told her to check your blog out too if she decided to check out mine!
anyways...that knock out rose is a real diva hey? she love to do the photo shoots about as much as we all love to look and admire your beautiful gardens!
Next week....tootsie plants! rain or shine, I will be a dirty dirty girl...(in a good way...hee hee)
Thanks for playing fertilizer friday with me!
love ya...say hi to the genius!

Tootsie said...

AND I WAS THE FIRST....YES ...FIRST COMMENT!!! I never get to be first anywhere!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Jessica, Your flowers are so beautiful. The purple ones in the middle are Columbine. I adore knock-out roses. I can't wait for mine to bloom. I love your other roses, too. I always enjoy a stroll through your beautiful yard. Isn't this fun!
Hugs, Terrie

Unknown said...

Your flowers are very pretty.

onlymehere said...

The last picture just killed me! What a joy to have a sink and counter outside!! Our weather wouldn't allow that but I'm so darn jealous!! I love the give-away prize from Tootsie! I remember her giving it away but I didn't remember you winning it! Congrats belatedly. Does the Genius graduate next year then? My Nicholas is moving out today!!!!! That's a couple of weeks ahead of schedule. I feel a bit melancholy about it but he's doing the right thing and he is grown up now. Busy times around here but nothing really worth blogging about and boring people with, LOL, thus my recipe for cleaning windows!!

raxx a day in the life said...

Hi Jess, you are sooo right! No time to play in the dirt this week but tomorrow I'm gonna get down and dirty!

So nothing new to post this week, although I did fertilize my extisting beauties.

Your garden is looking sooo good! I love your flowers, I esp love your impatiens and your roses!

Unknown said...

Is your unknown flower a columbine? I think I just saw it on another blog.

Sue said...

Beautiful pics J! Yes, columbine, its a gorgeous plant and I had many but now have none, I don't know why I lose so many perrenials! I still need to get me a couple knockout roses, maybe this weekend! Have a great weekend sweetie! xoxo

Nancy Rosalina said...

Jessica, You have a sink outside and I don't think we've ever seen it before! You lucky gal! The flowers are gorgeous, of course!!! Enjoy your day! Fancy

Anonymous said...

Hi Dear Jessica! Oh, your garden is just beautiful! I love all your flowers and the little fountain from Tootsie is precious! She has the greenest thumb I've ever seen, doesn't she?
I got some knockout roses for Mother's Day and we planted them. They looked good for about four days and then some of the leaves began to turn brown. Do you think I've watered them too much or were they maybe in shock? I was sure hoping I could grow these!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Jessica
I feel like I've been on a little visit to your garden today. Thanks for showing me around, your flowers are beautiful.
Have a great weekend.

Betty said...

I love looking at all the pretty flowers and yours are so pretty! I have never planted knockout roses but since I think I have lost a couple this year I think I will be trying them.
Have a great day!


Cathy S. said...

Very pretty flowers! and yes the unknown purple flower is a columbine.

Unknown said...

Your yard and flowers are very pretty . I have dark purple almost black Columbine and some light ones and white also , love them . I want Your rose's are so wow pretty .

nikkicrumpet said...

Your garden looks so pretty. I love all the gorgeous roses. And you are so lucky to have won Tootsie's giveaway! I wish I could win her GREEN THUMB!

Ashley ~ said...

Your roses (and your whole yard) is absolutely beautiful*! Hope you guys are having a fun and safe holiday weekend*! _Ashley*

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

May you have a wonderful Memorial day weekend my dear friend...thanks for coming by your the best girl...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria