Wednesday, September 16, 2009

~ Fall Tablescape ~

Welcome~ to my very first Tablescape Thursday.....EVER. TT is hosted by the fabulous Susan@ Between Naps on the Porch.

Thank you so much Susan for hosting!!

For my fall tablescape~ I am using our everyday dishes. We purchased this set at Kohl's about 2 years ago~ The plates are large enough to satisfy My Mister~that's super important.

{ This is the only picture with a spoon....I uploaded all my pictures and then realized... I didn't set the spoons out....please, forgive me I am a rookie. }

The candlesticks and glasses were purchased at Walmart last year and the fruit was purchased at Walmart the other day. :)

I purchased a girl & boy scarecrow figurine at Walgreens ( 2 for $1.oo )
Isn't she sweet?

Full view of our dinner for two~

The dry erase stand is glass and was purchased at Kirklands~

A few more views~

Hope ya'll have a wonderful fall season~

Thanks for coming by~ now treat yourself to some amazing tablescapes...

please go by & visit Susan


Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

A sweet Fall Tablescape for two! Very pretty. Those striped dishes are really nice! Happy TT!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

What a cute fall tablescape and I love your everyday dishes.

ellen b said...

Welcome to your first tablescape!! Your setting is very nice. I love the plates with those large stripes! Very cool...

Signing Out said...

Such a pretty fall tablescape! I love the dishes and the beautiful fall vignette. Fantastic job!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Jessica! Your tablescape is lovely! It's hard to believe this is your first! Your dishes are so nice! Love those stripes. Your centerpiece is wonderful. You've thought of everything! Welcome to the dish club!
Be a sweetie,

shelia ;)

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Very nice table to two. I really do like your china it's so different. Casual but could also go more dressy. Nice!
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Rettabug said...

What a charming setting for two! You did a great job on your first TT, even without the spoons. :p
I began to drool when I saw your silver set in the background. You must promise to use it someday in a tablescape & tell us all about it....with close-up photos, please? :)

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh No the table bug bite you girl...ha ha!! Girl this looks wonderful I love your dishes and your center piece...but will tell you I'm eye baiing that cabinet in the back ground..Happy TT Jessica...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Maureen said...

Very warm and inviting! Pssst! Please pass the candy corn. :)

susan said...

Your first tablescape is beautiful! I smiled about the plate and your husband. No matter what plate I put out my husband eats on what I term "deck" plates--large and plastic! I find all kinds of cute things at Walgreens too!

Unknown said...

What a pretty table. All the textures and colors..Love the Fall

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Beautiful table.....beautiful blog...

I enjoyed my stop at your blog tonight. There are so many new and fun blogs that I am finding everyday. Hope you will stop by and see my new Christmas blog...
There is a GREAT giveaway going on now for a Great Ornament Giveaway on Oct 1....all you have to do is leave a comment.....I love finding new blogs and make new blog friends.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Ok so now you're "hooked" -- I think that the Betty Ford clinic may have to open a new wing for us dishaholics! This is a wonderful fall tablescape -- sure doesn't look like a "newbie" to me!

Martha said...

Welcome to your first TT -- it is fun and I lways enjoy Thursdays especially! A very beautiful table!

onlymehere said...

Great job! I love how your table folds down too on the sides. Cool! For being a "rookie" the table looks very inviting and makes me yearn for the leaves to start turning around here! It's been a looooong summer.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Well, this is all quite lovely! Welcome to Tablescape Thursday, one of our favorite days of the week. I just love those unusual salad plates. It all looks very cozy and your husband is one lucky man!

Beansieleigh said...

Hi Jessica! For a rookie, it looks like you can put together a perfectly lovely table! (I like your quote to the right too, about catching the tradewinds. I'm working on that, myself!.. I'm still just a spectator of Tablescape Thursdays, aspiring to BE a rookie! (0; "One of these days!" Have a wonderful weekend! ~tina

Blondie's Journal said...

Jessica, your table is lovely!! So warm and inviting and dressed up for fall. You have to keep doing tablescapes. In mine this week, I didn't notice one of my candles was about to fall over until I saw it in a picture!! lol!!

Happy Tablescaping!! :-)


Jane said...

Your table is so inviting! I love the striped dishes...very homey, yet sophisticated. And I LOVE the dry erase board...CUTE!!!

Jane (artfully graced)

Christie said...

Your fall tablescape is gorgeous! Let me tell you.....You are no rookie my friend! Everything looks warm, inviting and beautiful!

Your yard looks so pretty too...lots of pretty blooms!
What's your temps out there where you live....ours will be around 89 today and humid as crap.... sigh...(can you tell I'm tired of the heat?) I'm ready for a cool down, in my neck of the woods honey...or better yet, I think I'm ready to move where there are four real seasons! Blogland is so tempting me to want to move! LOL! I see all of the gorgeous fall foilage all over the place and just drool. LOL! I am thankful for all I've got though. God's planted me where he wants me for now.

Sarah said...

Jessica, I somehow missed your first tablescape. Sorry to be late. It is a perfect fall table for two! Love the striped plates, the amber glassware, and the Texas style message on the menu board. Oh, and did I see a bowl of candy corn? Think I'll have a few! Thanks~ Sarah