Monday, July 19, 2010

~ Playing Catch Up~

First I wanted to thank you all for your great comments and support over our new home. We are ecstatic! THANK YOU!!! I will be by soon to thank each of you personally. :)

Now, I'm going to go back a bit to share July 4th with you....

Our neighborhood always has a huge parade. We road in the fire truck and gave out candy.

The Genius' and Bear before the parade.
Do you love Bear's mohawk?
Be honest. I'm trying to convince him to cut I liked it at first ( for a day~ but now....not so much. ) We want our bear back.

The Genius'


Then we headed downtown for fireworks and a concert.

I just love downtown....

The Genius' brought 2 of her bestest friends....Bear & Noodle.

Do you know who this is?

Pat Green~ he was awesome ( & )

Mister took an amazing picture didn't he?

I love these two.

Have a great week!



onlymehere said...

Dang, not all the pictures loaded. Oh well, it gives me an excuse to come back later and say hi! Our computer is not playing nice. I know it's time for a new one but we have to make due until Trav's home.

I did see the picture of you and your Mister and the Genius! You honestly are a good looking bunch!

Now, your Mister and mine would get along famously. Larry hates to shop for anything! He shops for shoes but the last few pair of work shoes he's bought over the internet (he needs steel toes). Me, on the other hand, loves to shop for furniture but nothing else! I even love to window shop for furniture. Oh the joy I could have if I had an unlimited budget, lol! I'm pretty cheap though but I want quality furniture. For me that's where the fun comes in, lol! W&W Wednesdays save me on that! It may not be exactly what I dreamed I wanted but it's functional and is good quality and I can make it work! My last big splurge was on my 25th wedding anniversary when we bought the dining room set. I knew what I wanted for 25 years but just had to wait to have the time and money and for the kids to grow up enough to take care of it, lol! They actually make fun of me for how much love I give it and how much I make them take care of it!

I'll be back to see those other pictures! Have a good one!

onlymehere said...

Make that "I, on the other hand." Sheesh some people and their grammar, lol!

onlymehere said...

Oops, make that "I, on the other hand love..." It's a Monday morning. :)

Lindsay-ann said...

Looks like you had a great time. Loved seeing the pictures of you and your lovely friends and family.

onlymehere said...

Okay, so I'm stalking your blog and came back to see Bear! I guess the important question is, "what does the Genius think of it?!!" Have a great day my friend! The pictures, as always, are adorable!

Christie said...

It looks like the perfect day....glad you had a happy 4th, thanks for sharing your beautiful pics :)
Big Hugs,

Ashley ~ said...

Your weekend looks amazing*!!! I LOVE PAT GREEN*!!! Wave on Wave On Baby*! (SMILE)

