Monday, March 28, 2011

~ New Sign & Garden Photos ~

Hi friends~

I wanted to show you this sign I found { ages ago } at goodwill for $2.99.

I knew it had potential.


Here it is all painted and pointing towards our climbing roses. Shortly after taking this photo I trimmed the loropetalum since it is no longer blooming….it needed a hair cut. Smile

You might also notice our new cushions on our patio set. WOOHOO. Seriously, our other cushions weren’t really my/our style… they were 5 years old and after a long happy life here….it was time for them to go.


Our wisteria has gone crazy…..once it stop’s blooming….it will also get a much needed hair cut. But for now, the wild look and their fragrance have me very happy.


We’ve been doing a lot of work in the backyard. All our free time has been spent back here. I’ve been rearranging a little here and there on the patio, bought a cute little candelabra to hang over the outdoor sink { will share when we get it hung up } and I think I may have finished planting. But, I’m not making any promises….sorry Mister. Smile

Here’s a peek at a few things starting to bloom.


The sun didn’t cooperate so the pictures are reflecting a gloomy day…..

Plants in the garden include knockout roses, rose bushes { the roses were the only true survivors of our harsher than normal winter } plumbago, yellow bells= esperanza { 2 survived the winter } plus I planted 3 more, verbena, angelonia, lavender, rosemary, salvia, gaura, tickseed, 1 golden dew drop, sage, wallflower, pansies and lantana. There are a few more but I can’t remember their names. There is quite a bit of variety out there. Not to mention at least 500 seeds.

We will see what the summer brings. Smile


See the little buds on the small rose, I counted 13 buds on our larger survivor rose. yay!



We put 10 solar lights along the garden… is beautiful at night.








Cooper has enjoyed being out here, too. Mister laughs at him because every time I walk out to the yard. He is right with me. I get down to start digging and he sits and watches.

He was a big help…lol.


Hope you enjoyed the peek into our garden.

Have a beautiful day~

♥ Jessica


onlymehere said...

This time of year I get so jealous of you living in the south and your beautiful plants. Believe it or not it's snowing out my window again today. That's not unusual though to have spring snows. I remember 26 years ago tonight and tomorrow we had a huge snow storm! How do I remember?.....Nicholas was born! I really like your new cushions too. Everything looks so fresh and new. Cooper looks content too, lol! Have a great day my friend.

Teresa@1800 Farmhouse Rd said...

Your back yard it beautiful! You must really have a green thumb. Cushions and sign look great too.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Wow! Everything looks gorgeous. So lush and green. We are a long way from any of that beauty in our area. Although, the last couple of days the grass has really greened up. I'm looking forward to replacing alot of things this past winter was hard on. Always the first thing to get are ferns for the front porch and the shop area. I'm sooooooo ready for green and warm... hugs ~lynne~

Melissa Miller said...

Amazing work on your backyard Jessica! It is all so beautiful.

Thank you for stopping by my blog for a sweet visit. You're always welcome anytime my friend.

Warmly, ~Melissa :)

onlymehere said...

I miss you! Hope all is well and that you have some exciting things going on. I know you have a lot on your plate right now but I wanted you to know that I was thinking of you. :)

Betty said...

Everything looks so pretty. I love the sign. It snowed here yesterday but at least it didn't stick! I want to do more with my yard this year so hopefully I can get mine to turn out as I envision.
Have a great day!