Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A note of thanks and a teapot ( or is it a kettle? )

Hi friends,

First, I want to thank all of you for your support and your blogging tips. You get a BIG 'O' TEXAS SIZED thank you from me. I really appreciate it. :)

Well, I've been thinking about creating a blog for awhile and my daughter finally said just go for it. So while she working on a craft project and I was on RMS ( Rate My Space ) we began talking about a name for my blog. Hmmm, that was a hard decision. Then we started discussing Mammaw & Poppaw who are coming in town for a few days. My grandmother will call and say " Now Jessica, have that kettle hot when I get there so we can have our tea. " This sentence has become an endearment of sorts with me~ the kettle is always hot and a package of fig newtons are always ready when she gets here. This has been our treat since I was a little girl but now, I buy the tea and fig newtons. :)

So, do you call it a kettle or a teapot?

J. :)

P.S. Comment tab is still way at the bottom. :)


Unknown said...

Wow arn't you doing good . I love what you've done and you said you needed help . Now we can ask you for help . I love the name you used and the reason . Fig newtons , My Dad always got them and I love them so much . I'll have some Chocolate Mint Tea . I'll even bring it . We can sit on your deck or you can come sit on mine but bring some milk for Midnight and Toby our cats and a bone for Muffy our dog . Love your pictures , Your so pretty . Mary

Picket said...

Morning girl! I call mine a teapot..even though I don't drink hot tea! lol Down here we like iced sweet tea and I keep fig newtons in my house!!!!! lol Hope you have a great day today girl!!!

Tootsie said...

you call it what ever you like! I can honestly say I call the pretty ceramic ones pots, the one I heat up on the stove is a kettle..to me anyways! love the blog!

bmwgal1948 said...

You have a heart as big as Texas to care about animals the way you do.I love their pictures.I have one cat,but at one time I had a momma and her 6 babies. I rescued her.
My Mom always called it a tea kettle.I agree with Tootsie about the ceramic ones.Good job on your blog.


Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Jessica, I wondered how you got your blog name. You should use that picture for your banner. I call it a teapot. We love fig newtons. Hugs, Terrie

Betty said...

In my usage, the tea kettle is on the stove to heat water and the tea pot is the glass or ceramic teapot that I steep my tea in.
I love your choice for a name for your blog. It evokes a cozy image of friends gathered. I love fig newtons too.


Bridget said...

Hi Jess, I'm a former RMSer turned blogger too. Your blog is great. You are getting off to a much better start than I did.
I call the one I heat on the stove the kettle and a fancy one a tea pot.
Your animals are precious and your daughter is soooo cute. I hope she is doing well with the driving. I remember those days well with my own daughter.
Hugs, Bridget (blgeee on RMS)

artis1111 said...

Hi, you heat water in the kettle and you pore the water into the tea pot, with the tea. When you do a new post and publish it it will show where new comments can be left. I don't know if you know that. It took me a while to get my blog together. Love the tea cups . I do like a good cup of tea. Kathy